Monday, March 7, 2011


So come September I will be leaving home and moving to Savannah, GA. Apart of me is excited and happy because it will be a new adventure and then there is this part of me that is scared out of my mind. But im sure ill be ok. Anywho... I decided today to look to see about houses up there and just research and get an idea of how much and all that. I had previously done this with apartments a few months back. However, in looking at houses it got me to thinking about my future and my plans and where my life is heading, And i came to some conclusions slash goals. I am already 21 and am watching everyone i graduated high school with getting ready to graduate college and i am no where close to that happening sense it took me 3 years to get my 2 year associates and then what i thought i was gonna do didnt work out but i got a new and better plan. So I plan that the next 2 years i will get my bachelors degree in photography from SCAD (hoping and will make sure that it only takes 2 yrs) So it is a must that by the time i am 24 i will have my bachelors degree. And by the time im 25 I would like to own my own house. and possibly have my own business but im not exactly sure just yet about that. Im pretty sure i either want to do fashion, commercial, or my own studio or maybe even all 3, i guess time will tell on that.

Any how thats all my plan for the next 4 yrs. Hope it all works out! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I am so glad I have the ability to amuse myself when I'm bored.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Greetings all! It is I, Nicole W. Since this is my first post, I suppose I have to introduce myself. I have neglected to post thus far because I'm really not a very good blogger. Most of my journal writing is the of the boringly introspective and private variety (Read: angst and personal issues!) that most would probably rather eat wallpaper paste than read. However, I will attempt to keep current on my life for the sake of my Co-Names.

So, what about me? I'm one of the spectacularly awesome Nicoles of the group. Like the rest of us, I absolutely adore art. Most of my time is occupied either by creating it or thinking about it. It's pretty freaking magical. Everyone always asks me which medium is my favorite, and up until recently, I'd just pick whichever one I was into most at the moment. But I've come to realize that I love them all and picking my favorite would be comparable to asking a mother to choose her favorite child.

Anyway, when I'm not doing artwork or schoolwork (the two are certainly not mutually exclusive), I can usually be found talking to or hanging out with friends, or just chilling by myself. To anyone who isn't painfully introverted like I am, that may sound pretty depressing; however, but I am the best company. (I never try to talk to me during the best parts of movies!)I love reading, listening to music, secretly watching people, listening in on peoples' conversations (in the uncreepiest way possible), bright colors, baked goods fresh out of the oven, waking up on a weekend with nothing to do, the sound that rain makes on the roof at night, and putting on the first long sleeved shirt of autumn.

Out of the four of us Co-Names, I'm the only one of us still at SSC, but I'm almost done! (Seriously. I just applied for graduation yesterday.) From there, it looks like I'll be going to UCF for the time being. Although this is a less than stellar prospect, I think I can deal. Partly because I'm a bit of an optimist when I want to be, and partly because I am the most stubborn person alive when I need to be. I'm going to major in fine art and Sociology, but I'm not sure about my career yet. Everyone keeps asking me what I plan on doing, but I really have no idea. I just figure if I learn about things I love, it will all fall into place somehow from there.

So, let me tell you about my classes this semester. I'm taking Sociology and Renaissance/ Baroque Humanities online. WORST. DECISION. EVERRRRR. We are 6 weeks into the semester and I have written 6 papers so far (Roughly 5400 words. I just counted.) While I am not the worst writer, I still hate it. So much time has been wasted sitting in front of my computer while silently freaking out about what to write. I thought I was going to save myself a lot of hassle by not having to sit in a classroom and listen to a lecture twice a week, but this just blows. Luckily, the subject matter is pretty sweet. Sociology is freaking awesome. It's basically everything I love about anthropology, but focused on our culture instead of primitive ones.

I'm also taking printmaking and fresco painting, which are both rad. I didn't understand why everyone was so enthralled with printmaking prior to taking the class, but believe me when I say that it is ADDICTING. I even did an extra woodcut just for kicks because I enjoy it so much. Right now we're doing monoprints, which isn't my favorite. It's basically painting on a piece of plexiglass and then transferring that over to a new piece of paper. It can only be repeated one time (hence the mono), so it doesn't really make sense to me. Why not just paint on the paper to begin with and cut out the printing press? I guess I can deal with it though. Mr V went apeshit over my print and called me a Greek alien. It made me smile.

Fresco painting is also cool. Since the class is only once a week, it seems like it's really fast paced. It's a really interesting experience though! The technique itself is not hard, but it definitely takes a certain finesse. We're painting our second fresco next Friday, so I'm sure I'll be kicking some major bootay with practice. Move over, Giotto!

Anyway, since it's now 12:30 and I am sick with round two of the plague that I had a few weeks ago, I shall bid you adieu.

Tip number....10ish- Don't write anything on your hand that you're not okay with possibly also being on your face when you wake up.


Where to begin.... life... well... its been busy! I thought taking the semester off and just working was going to be great. And the not going to school i can totally go for that, however, the working 6 days a week kind of gets boring after a while. I mean dont get me wrong i love my job its the best, but at the end of the day im usually exhausted and end up in bed by 8:30. Talk about boring. So to go along with miss lauren S. pervious post i understand where ya coming from. it seems like life is just passing by bc i freakin work so much. but i have to do what i have to do to get the things i want. but like you i just hope in the end its all worth it. cuz not seeing my friends but maybe once a week really kind of sucks monkeys butt! and not to mention the whole being in bed by like 8:30 just really makes me feel old. but i would like to state just for the record that i usually have to wake up at 6:30 in the morning so i have a legitimate reason for going to bed so early not to mention the job itself could wear anyone out.

So... besides work and being in bed at 8:30 i just found this amazing trunk at hobby lobby the other day. its zebra strips and its amazing. see i have this strange love for really anything zebra minus clothes not to big on that.... anywho the point is i love stuff that is zebra strip and well hobby lobby they have a lot of things zebra stripe. i knew i should not have went in there bc i knew i couldnt control myself but i had like 2 hrs before i had to go to my next job and well it was there so i went in and it was pretty much love at first sight when i seen that trunk. plus the really great thing about it... it was half off! HELL YEA BABY!!! haha so yea i got it and well that lead to trying to find a place to put it in my already crowded room. but not to worry... with a little bit of clever thinking and a WHOLE lot of rearranging i got it in. and it looks wonderful!!! :D and the great thing is when i move away in september i can take it with me in my dorm and have a place to store all my crap! :D

Well its past 830 and im starting to get really tired so im out!

Tip: Smile when you see a butterfly!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

20's Are Rough!

People say your 20s are supposed to be your wild years, but I don't find that in my life. It is frustrating to watch everyone around you grow and experience life, while you are chained to a desk or stuck appeasing business associates. My beautiful friends are moving out, taking leaps of faith, and enjoying a social life.

 I try to remember that I am building a future, but in the meanwhile my present slips away. One of my worst fears is I'll wake up one day and realize that my life is just a chain of meaningless achievements. I really hope 10 years from now I am happy and this was worth it...

Tip #8: Learn to say's your best friend.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sign Your Posts Ladies! :)

Oh my lovely darlings remember to sign your posts, our poor fans have no idea who is typing what! lol

Ok, now on to the nitty gritty....

So, I am currently watching my neighbors' dog Ms. Lovey and I must confess it is like taking care of a slow child. She is on two different medications, needs ointment slathered on her 2x a day, must pee by 9am, and eat by 5:00pm. Her favorite past time is staring at me and she is in love with her throne (doggie bed), she NEVER leaves it for more than 2 minutes. She is wonderfully sweet but a tad slow, in so many ways.

Other than that, I have been staying busy working at the gym, teaching fitness classes, and preping for college to start back up. I am soooooo excited to start at my new university. They actually sent me a pair of sandals with a note saying enjoy the summer, can't wait to see you in August. So Awesome!

Well my lovely followers of all things "Co-Name", I am off to explore the internet. Have a fantastic day!

Lauren S.

Tip 7ish: Never wear heels on a brick paved path, when you tank out it hurts!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jersey Shore? Really? Ahahaha... ok, so I'll admit liking some reality TV. Like American Idol. Not that I have a way to watch it, but whatever. Seriously, cable's expensive! Who has an extra $90 a month to blow on TV when ya don't even have time to watch it....

So, I can feel a routine already starting up (studio-work-sleep-repeat), and I'm itching to get away from it before it even starts. See, when things get boring, I get all homesick. One call from my co-name today, and I was basically a puddle. Right before work, too, which was totally inconvenient with the mascara streaks freaking out the kids and whatnot... but so worth it. I miss my girls!

But my newest idea for a distraction is basically that I am damned and determined to get a dog! ...Except I'm worried that I'll have a hectic life and no time to take care of it. But I'll make time! But I have a lot of classes and work. But there's always a chance in between classes and work! But that's still extra money to spend on food. But I'll be making money by working a ton! But that's more time gone... And so goes the internal debate. Wish me and my poor future dog luck.

In other news, I am the proud owner of an ice scraper! And no, I don't mean an old hotel key card. It was taking me fooooreeeeveeeer just to get into my car, so I blew the $3 on the plastic thingamajig at Walmart. And considering there's snow coming next week, I'll need it. But I am hoping for my first ever snow day! (Like, no school because of snow. That would be AMAZING.) Only thing is when there's a snow day, parents typically need nannies to stay with kids. So, we'll see.

Tip #6 (I think?) : Friendly faces on the other end of a Skype video make all the difference in the world.